Author I have two guns

Fantasy Emperor Summoning System audio latest full

Fantasy Emperor Summoning System

I have two guns
2053 chapters
10 days ago
Zhou Chen, who was supposed to spend the night with the beautiful little secretary, was unexpectedly reborn as the prince Zhou of Qingzhou on the mainland of Kyushu, activated the strongest summoning system, and since then embarked on the unparalleled emperor's road!In terms of qualifications, I hav
Fantasy Emperor Summoning System audio latest full

Fantasy Emperor Summoning System

I have two guns
2050 chapters
17 days ago
Zhou Chen, who was supposed to spend the night with the beautiful little secretary, was unexpectedly reborn as the prince Zhou of Qingzhou on the mainland of Kyushu, activated the strongest summoning system, and since then embarked on the unparalleled emperor’s road!In terms of qualifications, I hav
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