Author Huo_Yang

Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor audio latest full

Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

780 chapters
4 months ago
"Lord of Mysteries" fan, Black Emperor Path.The Old Ones screamed in the stars, and the end was coming. The power of "order" that could minimize the risk of loss of control became the goal of the Old Ones.It's just that the old people didn't know that the "State of Disorder", the source of order and
Mystery: I Married the Queen of Mystery audio latest full

Mystery: I Married the Queen of Mystery

369 chapters
10 hours ago
Bernadette's sudden appearance disrupted the life of the time traveler Odysseus and involved him in a struggle with the Moss Ascetic Order.In order to balance the risks brought by the "Mysterious Queen", Odysseus joined the Tarot Club, but this got him involved in Klein's troubles again.Fortunately,
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