Author HaoShu

Back For My Daughter audio latest full

Back For My Daughter

1268 chapters
4 months ago
Dad promises that I will be always there with you, my little baby.It was Ye Qian's promise to his child who was yet to be born.However, fate didn't seem to agree as it took his life in the form of an accident before he could see his little one's face.The promise that was made to his wife and daughte
Back For My Daughter audio latest full

Back For My Daughter

1255 chapters
1 day ago
"Dad promises that I will be always there with you, my little baby."It was Ye Qian's promise to his child who was yet to be born.However, fate didn't seem to agree as it took his life in the form of an accident before he could see his little one's face.The promise that was made to his wife and daugh
Back For My Daughter audio latest full

Back For My Daughter

490 chapters
1 day ago
"Dad promises that I will be always there with you, my little baby."It was Ye Qian's promise to his child who was yet to be born.However, fate didn't seem to agree as it took his life in the form of an accident before he could see his little one's face.The promise that was made to his wife and daugh
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