Author Hangyue Wolf

Invincible Emperor: The Strongest General Of The Empire audio latest full

Invincible Emperor: The Strongest General Of The Empire

Hangyue Wolf
403 chapters
10 months ago
At the core of the empire stands the Sky Palace. However, this is a land of rampant bribery and flattery, where corrupt upper class nobles enjoy privileged rule. A high-ranking nobleman once proudly said, "Only nobles living in sky palaces can be considered humans." In this situation, the commoner b
Black Book Divine Mirror audio latest full

Black Book Divine Mirror

Hangyue Wolf
12 chapters
9 months ago
In 2060, the Earth experienced a major earthquake and ushered in a turning point. Suddenly, some people awakened their superpowers due to a high fever, and these people are called superhumans. At the same time, various immortal mansions were also discovered in various places.Although Blue Wind has b
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