Author Han Yousi

A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor audio latest full

A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Han Yousi
743 chapters
1 day ago
Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix walked into this magic school again, only this time, he was a professor! What kind of sparks will collide with the combination of Muggle wisdom and magic? PS1. Teaching ancient magic texts; PS2. Timeline, three elementary school and second grade;
A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor audio latest full

A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Han Yousi
754 chapters
6 months ago
Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix walked into this magic school again, only this time, he was a professor!What kind of sparks will collide with the combination of Muggle wisdom and magic?PS1. Teaching ancient magic texts;PS2. Timeline, three elementary school and second grade;
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