Author Han Jiangxue

Good Morning, Mister Dragon! audio latest full

Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Han Jiangxue
2804 chapters
7 days ago
Framed by her so-called best friend and half-sister, Su Qianxun stumbled upon a strange man when she was making her escape. A strange man so handsome it looked as if his face was carved by the Gods, but with a heart as cold as stone. A wild and fiery night ensued, and ever since then, they embar
Good Morning, Mister Dragon! audio latest full

Good Morning, Mister Dragon!

Han Jiangxue
2803 chapters
3 months ago
Framed by her so-called best friend and half-sister, Su Qianxun stumbled upon a strange man when she was making her escape. A strange man so handsome it looked as if his face was carved by the Gods, but with a heart as cold as stone. A wild and fiery night ensued, and ever since then, they embarked
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