Author DreamOfRen

My Succubus System audio latest full

My Succubus System

183 chapters
24 days ago
After awakening in a new world a young man changes his life drastically by becoming a busty, lust craving succubus?Adventia, world of fantasy, where adventurer classes of all types live and thrive. Our intrepid hero acquires the Succubus class, transforming her into a carnal loving she-demon with a
My Succubus System audio latest full

My Succubus System

219 chapters
9 months ago
From man to succubus after death!? Isekai adventuring at it's finest.Adventia, world of fantasy, where adventurers live and thrive. Our intrepid hero acquires the Succubus class, transforming her into a carnal loving she-demon with a desire for all things erotic!In fact, to level he (I mean, she) mu
My Succubus System audio latest full

My Succubus System

174 chapters
24 days ago
After awakening in a new world a young man changes his life drastically by becoming a busty, lust craving succubus?Adventia, world of fantasy, where adventurer classes of all types live and thrive. Our intrepid hero acquires the Succubus class, transforming her into a carnal loving she-demon with a
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