Author Cosmic Dove

Reincarnated Succubus, and the Reborn Heiress Save the World audio latest full

Reincarnated Succubus, and the Reborn Heiress Save the World

Cosmic Dove
1085 chapters
10 days ago
I left the prosperous, modern alchemical capital, and journeyed to a place with beautiful scenery, but whose daily entertainment consisted only of the snarling of wyverns.All because of a letter from my senior.“Hello, transmigrator, I am the one reborn.”Keywords: Reincarnated Succubus, and the Rebor
The Old Man and the Sea audio latest full

The Old Man and the Sea

Cosmic Dove
400 chapters
1 day ago
Synopsis:This sea is a prison.? It's not to punish us, but to protect Them.
The All-People Witch 1994 audio latest full

The All-People Witch 1994

Cosmic Dove
1715 chapters
15 hours ago
Waking up, the world has changed drastically. From the normal human world timeline of 2013, I returned to the all-people witch world timeline of 1994. "Perhaps there are no witches in the world at all, or perhaps everyone is a witch."
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