Author Bloom07

My system allows me to copy talents audio latest full

My system allows me to copy talents

547 chapters
5 months ago
Takahashi Hiro after committing suicide gets reincarnated into his younger self. A genius footballer from a young age, he loses all his footballing talent after a horrendous injury.But despite that he perseveres through the odds and overcomes his tragedy. Finally when he could make his dream come tr
My system allows me to copy talents audio latest full

My system allows me to copy talents

726 chapters
9 days ago
Takahashi Hiro after committing suicide gets reincarnated into his younger self. A genius footballer from a young age, he loses all his footballing talent after a horrendous injury.But despite that he perseveres through the odds and overcomes his tragedy. Finally when he could make his dream come tr
My system allows me to copy talents audio latest full

My system allows me to copy talents

728 chapters
5 days ago
Takahashi Hiro after committing suicide gets reincarnated into his younger self. A genius footballer from a young age, he loses all his footballing talent after a horrendous injury.But despite that he perseveres through the odds and overcomes his tragedy. Finally when he could make his dream come tr
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