Author Alpha Tart

Remarried Empress audio latest full

Remarried Empress

Alpha Tart
471 chapters
29 days ago
Navier was the perfect empress, however, the Emperor wanted a wife, not a colleague. And so, the Emperor abandoned Empress Navier and placed a slave girl beside him. That was fine, until Navier heard the Emperor promise the slave girl the Empress’ position. After many ups and downs, Navier decid
Men of the Harem audio latest full

Men of the Harem

Alpha Tart
13 chapters
29 days ago
“Why should I only marry one man?” the female emperor declared.“In past generations, the emperor has had at least five concubines, and an average of fifteen. Now that I am emperor, I should have at least five concubines too. The son of a chancellor? The successor to a powerful family? If they are go
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