Author 별꽃라떼

I Became the Academy's Kibitz Villain audio latest full

I Became the Academy's Kibitz Villain

390 chapters
13 hours ago
As I was writing a brutal review of a popular Nationalistic Superpower Light Novel, I was made to possess a character in it!I then joined an evil organization and was given one mission.To seduce the Heroine.“Oh, that’s not how you should use this power.”As I started to advise the heroines on how to
A Famous Traitor and Treacherous Genius audio latest full

A Famous Traitor and Treacherous Genius

371 chapters
6 months ago
“The eldest son of the betrayer who sold out the country.He has returned.“Someone who once sold out a country knows how to sell it well.”But in this life,“I will become the king of traitors.”Not a kingdom without answers,Nor a disorganized empire.“Join me and strike.”All of this isFor my queen.
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