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Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss audio latest full

Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss

162 chapters
17 days ago
Zhou Yu is just an ordinary person. After his heart attack, he was born again. He thought he could enjoy life well, but he didn’t realize that this world was a supernatural world. He always bumps into ghosts and a group of samsaras would use him as a NPC. His lover always turns into a horror movie B
Falling In Love Inside An Urban Legend audio latest full

Falling In Love Inside An Urban Legend

127 chapters
10 days ago
Question: What is it like to be romantically pursued by the main subject of a very conventional scary urban legend?Yao Ye, the only normal person inside a bizarre horror story: I am going crazy.When you go about your day as usual and suddenly find out that the guy who had a crush on you that you ign
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