Author 你的萌萌女王

Always check in audio latest full

Always check in

114 chapters
10 days ago
As a small salesperson, he accidentally activated the god-level sign-in system. [Congratulations on the sign-in success, reward 100 million yuan, a Lamborghini poison] [Congratulations on the sign-in success, reward the ownership of a magic city mall] [Congratulations on the sign-in success, reward
The opening sign to the nine sisters audio latest full

The opening sign to the nine sisters

981 chapters
10 days ago
At the beginning, we signed in and got 100 million gold coins, nine sisters. First sister: A business tycoon who controls the world's most luxurious brands. Second sister: A talented singer, she won the Golden Melody Award. Third sister: idol star, international actress. Fourth sister: Goddess of wa
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