The Beginning Of The Heavens: Fighting Saint audio latest full

The Beginning Of The Heavens: Fighting Saint

Onion Skin Tooth Seed
10 chapters
9 months ago
Chen Qing carried the system to travel to the Douqi Continent thousands of years ago. In the Battle of the Soul Xiao Clan, did he choose to assist the Zhou dynasty or fight against evil forces to the end?Unfortunately, the system's release task was a thousand years later, and Chen Qing could only fi

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Chapter 3: Soul Clan strongholds
Chapter 1: begins with a peak race
Chapter 5: The bait has been lowered
Chapter 2: Do not kneel before the Holy See, the true spirit has been lost!
Chapter 4: Exposed to the Water Surface
Chapter 6: Searching for Soul Nourishing Jade
Chapter 7: Arrival
Chapter 9: Soul Yan'er Escapes
Chapter 8: The Fall of Xiao Tong
Chapter 10: The Spirit Talisman Has Been Completed

Novel Introduction

Chen Qing carried the system to travel to the Douqi Continent thousands of years ago. In the Battle of the Soul Xiao Clan, did he choose to assist the Zhou dynasty or fight against evil forces to the end?Unfortunately, the system's release task was a thousand years later, and Chen Qing could only find ways to survive until the plot unfolded.In this process, we are willing to sacrifice our body and mind.You pursue supreme strength throughout your life!I regret you with my whole life!

Latest chapter The Beginning Of The Heavens: Fighting Saint

Chapter 10: The Spirit Talisman Has Been Completed
Chapter 8: The Fall of Xiao Tong
Chapter 9: Soul Yan'er Escapes
Chapter 7: Arrival
Chapter 6: Searching for Soul Nourishing Jade

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