Tempest of the Battlefield audio latest full

Tempest of the Battlefield

Skeleton Wizard
678 chapters
1 year ago
Having a rough life growing up, Wang Tong had numerous dreams of living a better life. However, his alcoholic foster father sells him off as a space settler of the distant planet Norton for some pocket change. Soon after his arrival, the Zergs overran the planet and obliterated its defenses in a mat
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Chapter 1: We Shall See, Old Fart
Chapter 2: Escape
Chapter 3: Survive
Chapter 4: I Lost My Weapon
Chapter 5: Kowtow My Ass
Chapter 6: Peasant Genes
Chapter 7: The Real Deal
Chapter 8: Ambush
Chapter 9: Manliness is Impulsiveness
Chapter 10: Please Dont Miss Me
Chapter 11: Rises and Falls of History
Chapter 12: I Will Find You
Chapter 13: Frugal Living
Chapter 14: Tactics of Sympathy
Chapter 15: A Bad Apple
Chapter 16: Noob
Chapter 17: Piece of Cake
Chapter 18: Attraction and Coercion
Chapter 19: Hellish Monthly Test
Chapter 20: Lazy Bird
Chapter 21: Butterfingers
Chapter 22: Gale-Blade
Chapter 23: The Followers of the Templar
Chapter 24: METAL Arm
Chapter 25: I Am One Lucky Guy
Chapter 26: Mailman
Chapter 27: Public Enemy
Chapter 28: Eight Minutes and Thirty-five Seconds
Chapter 29: Investigation
Chapter 30: Cunning Principal’s Plan
Chapter 31: Poor Man’s Repair
Chapter 32: Beauty Pay the Bill
Chapter 33: Lost at the Starting Line
Chapter 34: Sixteen Meters
Chapter 35: Repair Charcoal
Chapter 36: Patroclus
Chapter 37: Stealth METAL
Chapter 38: The Fist of the Racing Tiger
Chapter 39: Epiphany
Chapter 40: Jesting
Chapter 41: Temp Tong
Chapter 42: Hu Yangxuans Ploy
Chapter 43: Weekend Visit
Chapter 44: Temptation
Chapter 45: Tactics of the Enchantress-Round One
Chapter 46: Fall from Grace
Chapter 47: This Is Not a Request
Chapter 48: Haggling
Chapter 49: Caretaker Wang
Chapter 50: I Shall Stay

Novel Introduction

Having a rough life growing up, Wang Tong had numerous dreams of living a better life. However, his alcoholic foster father sells him off as a space settler of the distant planet Norton for some pocket change. Soon after his arrival, the Zergs overran the planet and obliterated its defenses in a matter of minutes. What awaited Tong on Norton was more than just an unbearable environment – its gravity alone was five-times stronger than earth – there were also swarms of bugs, constant hunger, thirst, and desolation.While he lives a year of total carnage and survival, humanity’s Confederation eventually overcomes the Zergs on Norton and the powerful survivor Wang Tong is given a recommendation to a once famous, but now dying military academy where he begins his life anew.

Latest chapter Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 678 - Because I Am Wang Tong
Chapter 677 - The Battle Of Gods
Chapter 676 - The Final Showdown
Chapter 675 - The Last Night Of Love
Chapter 674 - Farewell Party

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