Stumbled Into An Alien Group Chat To Steal Advanced Technologies audio latest full

Stumbled Into An Alien Group Chat To Steal Advanced Technologies

Shitake Knight
40 chapters
8 days ago
Are aliens real?Some would think they existed as the universe was vast.Some were against that idea and believed that Earth was a unique coincidence.However, these were all speculations without any forms of proof, except for Fang Ping.“The technology you have taught us will be a great help to the ene

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - This Whole Time, Anna has Been Hiding in Carl's House?
Chapter 21 - Activated the Space Storage Card?
Chapter 22 - Carl's Mentor Was Starting to Be Suspicious of George?
Chapter 23 - The Aliens Are Rabbits?
Chapter 24 - A Capsule that Could Shrink Creatures?
Chapter 25 - Anna's Real Purpose?
Chapter 26 - George's Identity as an Earthling Had Been Discovered by the Alliens?
Chapter 27 - George Can Solve the Problem?
Chapter 28 - Is George Really Human?
Chapter 29 - How Many Methods Did George Know to Solve the Problem?
Chapter 30 - Respect From Everyone!
Chapter 31 - The Academy of Sciences Received the Video!
Chapter 32 - Who Is This Young Man?
Chapter 33 - Is That Why George Was Trying to Hide?
Chapter 34 - That Mysterious Big Shot Is So Young?
Chapter 35 - George's Plan Was Disrupted?
Chapter 36 - Were Aliens So Easy to Fool?
Chapter 37 - A Windfall?
Chapter 38 - The Clock Was Ticking, Was George Going to Give Up?
Chapter 39 - Humanity's Last Hope, Dashed?
Chapter 40 - The Alien Starship Had Landed On the Ground. Was This a Disaster For Mankind?

Novel Introduction

Are aliens real?Some would think they existed as the universe was vast.Some were against that idea and believed that Earth was a unique coincidence.However, these were all speculations without any forms of proof, except for Fang Ping.“The technology you have taught us will be a great help to the energy conversion here at Mocali,” thanked the representative of planet Mocali.“We are researching the wormhole traveling technology. Are there any advanced civilizations out there that can help us?”Fang Liang was shocked when he saw these messages in a group chat.It was a group chat that he accidentally joined, and it took him no time to realize that the members were from highly advanced civilizations.Fang Liang decided to not join the conversation. Instead, he began to steal the technologies the aliens were talking about.He began to publish different papers on technology, bringing Earth’s civilization to a new age.From atomic rays to wormholes and energy conversion, the technologies that only existed in sci-fi movies started to become real.“Mr. Fang! Could you please share with us how you invented all these technologies?” a reporter asked.“Oh! I just read messages when I have coffee.”

Latest chapter Stumbled Into An Alien Group Chat To Steal Advanced Technologies

Chapter 40 - The Alien Starship Had Landed On the Ground. Was This a Disaster For Mankind?
Chapter 39 - Humanity's Last Hope, Dashed?
Chapter 38 - The Clock Was Ticking, Was George Going to Give Up?
Chapter 37 - A Windfall?
Chapter 36 - Were Aliens So Easy to Fool?

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