Space Doctor: The National Hero is a Girl audio latest full

Space Doctor: The National Hero is a Girl

hello miss meow
1831 chapters
2 days ago
“He” was originally a weak and pitiful “sissy”. Once reborn, he became an ancient martial arts genius with both medicine and poison. The national male god. Don’t touch anyone who belongs to her, and she will hold what is not her, and she will never be merciless when she abuses scum and face. He is a

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Chapter 1: not interested
Chapter 2: different
Chapter 3: Fairy doctor space
Chapter 4: fool's dream
Chapter 5: don't involve me
Chapter 6: let you out
Chapter 7: king level
Chapter 8: Same pervert
Chapter 9: too difficult
Chapter 10: can only look up
Chapter 11: Can't say it
Chapter 12: self-knowledge
Chapter 13: first family
Chapter 14: All men
Chapter 15: unbelievable
Chapter 16: eyeballs
Chapter 17: little man
Chapter 18: two gods
Chapter 19: tit for tat
Chapter 20: changed target
Chapter 21: don't play with fire
Chapter 22: represent girl
Chapter 23: cheap store manager
Chapter 24: old man
Chapter 25: reached an agreement
Chapter 26: framed by design
Chapter 27: Be a teacher
Chapter 28: Never be afraid
Chapter 29: a little excited
Chapter 30: scumbag
Chapter 31: rarely shot
Chapter 32: Interesting
Chapter 33: gossip heart
Chapter 34: prepare gift
Chapter 35: rumors spread
Chapter 36: playing with fire
Chapter 37: fire and water
Chapter 38: Enemies meet
Chapter 39: Crazy to the Boundless (Jiagen)
Chapter 40: boy genius
Chapter 41: shine
Chapter 42: fair trade
Chapter 43: Open up money (add more)
Chapter 44: very interesting
Chapter 45: not doing business
Chapter 46: very unhappy
Chapter 47: lost handkerchief
Chapter 48: see you again
Chapter 49: girls also play
Chapter 50: each other each other

Novel Introduction

“He” was originally a weak and pitiful “sissy”. Once reborn, he became an ancient martial arts genius with both medicine and poison. The national male god. Don’t touch anyone who belongs to her, and she will hold what is not her, and she will never be merciless when she abuses scum and face. He is a business genius who covers the sky with one hand in Huaguo. He has a dark belly and is decisive in killing. He is the only one who turns into a loyal dog in front of her. She kills, he sets fire. She poisoned, he silenced. One day, the pampered and lawless Lu Xingchen said in disgust, “Brother, they all say you are my dog.”

Latest chapter Space Doctor: The National Hero is a Girl

Chapter 1831: Live for me (finale)
Chapter 1830: sleep back
Chapter 1829: rushing
Chapter 1828: Uncertain future
Chapter 1827: Eat and drink enough

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