Novel Introduction
Skeleton Knight in Another World is an ongoing light novel Japanese series written by Hakari Enki and illustrated by KeG. Originally released in the year 2014, the previous version of the novel is complete with 199 chapters but the light novel version is still ongoing. The novel comprises of genres like Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, Slice of Life, and Supernatural.The story of the Skeleton Knight in Another World revolves around the well-known concept of Isekai, where the protagonist gets transported to another world and is then burdened with a divine purpose. This makes his once ordinary life turn into something no less than heroic and legendary in the new world. This gives a sense of inspiration and motivation within the reader’s mind as he progresses through the story. Such stories of fantasy are loved by readers worldwide.In this novel, Arc Raratoia, the main protagonist of the Skeleton Knight in Another World, appears to be a passionate online gamer. One day while playing online, he falls asleep. When he wakes up, he finds himself transferred into another world. Shocked and confused, he realizes he is equipped with top tier armor and weapon. He wanders around, later realizing another that he just couldn’t fathom for a while: his body was swapped for a special avatar skin of a Skeleton.Now in a world unknown to him, he starts his adventure.If you’re heavily into Isekai, you’ll have a great time reading this novel. Skeleton Knight in Another World is getting its update on chapters frequently so there won’t be any instance where you’ll be stuck in the middle of everything. Overall, this a must-read for all, casual readers and enthusiasts combined.
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