Rise of the Legendary Emperor audio latest full

Rise of the Legendary Emperor

310 chapters
8 days ago
Revenge is a dish that tastes best when served cold but can a single man take revenge on a powerful kingdom?Do you like it when a hero kills an arrogant young master but spares or falls in love if the arrogant one turns out to be a young miss?Do you like it when the mc collects beauties like trophie

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-2 Gods
-1 Mortal Realm
1 Chapter 1 : Return
2 Once proud elves
3 What goes around comes around
4 You reap what you sow
5 Chance for Redemption
6 The Beginning of an Emperor’s Path
7 Otherworldly beings
8 We can still cultivate
9 We are not here to survive but to rule
10 Out of the woods
11 Better than a chameleon
12 Minister Brian
13 Thousand Arms Auction House
14 Auction is about to begin
15 Water spirit and a Woman in the box
16 The Plan
17 I want your Miserable life
18 Like a princess in Knight’s arms
19 The Destined One
20 Destiny begins I
21 Destiny begins II
22 Destiny begins III
23 The Fury of Rosaline
24 Dragon King
25 Battle with the Dragon King
26 There’s a War Coming
27 The Castle and Catalie Lise Leavi
28 The Hunt begins
29 We Figh
30 Hellish Training
31 The Arrival
32 Actions and Consequences
33 Dwarves
34 Virnam
35 Cold Moon Mansion Again
36 Ambush Plan
37 The power of a Great master
38 A Bad Idea
39 The Dwarven Village
40 It’s a Dragon
41 Recruiting a Grandmaster
42 Aftermath
43 Aftermath II
44 Reports
45 Gifts Filler Chapter
46 The Celebration
47 The Bound Energy
48 Rest In Peace

Novel Introduction

Revenge is a dish that tastes best when served cold but can a single man take revenge on a powerful kingdom?Do you like it when a hero kills an arrogant young master but spares or falls in love if the arrogant one turns out to be a young miss?Do you like it when the mc collects beauties like trophies on every arc rather than working towards his goal?Do you like it if the MC has to save...

Latest chapter Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 307: New Beginning (Final Chapter of Book 1)
Chapter 306: Final Battle III
Chapter 305: Final Battle II
Chapter 304: Final Battle I
Chapter 303: Trouble in Everlight

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