Martial Breaks Nine Desolate audio latest full

Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Invincible Beckham
6360 chapters
7 days ago
The real spirit continent, the world is proud of the world, the evil spirits fight for the edge, the king’s long roar can fall into the stars, and the emperor’s hand can cover the sky.Xiao Ye, a humble young man, was inherited from ancient times. Since then, Wuji has been pushing the enemies horizon

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Chapter 5320: Return to the Gods
Chapter 5319: Promote
Chapter 5314: Unique practice
Chapter 4: Tower of Time
Chapter 5: Step into the day after tomorrow
Chapter 6: Marriage contest
Chapter 7: Defeat one enemy
Chapter 8: All the way
Chapter 9: Xiao Teng's strength
Chapter 10: Suppress you with one hand
Chapter 11: Blood Wolf Gang
Chapter 12: Acquired exercises
Chapter 13: Encounter an enemy
Chapter 14: Cave House of the Innate Powerhouse
Chapter 15: Martial arts
Chapter 16: Advance by leaps and bounds
Chapter 17: Who can stop
Chapter 18: Strong counterattack
Chapter 19: Xiao family, don't bully
Chapter 20: Who dares to move him!
Chapter 21: Three by Shane
Chapter 22: Yan Dao
Chapter 23: The day of return, the time of destruction
Chapter 24: Wanqige
Chapter 25: The First Genius of Utan City
Chapter 26: fiancé
Chapter 27: Nanotechnology
Chapter 28: You are crazy
Chapter 29: Die you
Chapter 30: Vomiting blood
Chapter 31: Across three realms
Chapter 32: Blade of Oppression
Chapter 33: Leave a battle
Chapter 34: The Return of Xiao Ye
Chapter 35: Anger
Chapter 36: Step on one foot
Chapter 37: Wear a funeral suit
Chapter 38: Kill one person in one step
Chapter 39: Pinnacle
Chapter 40: Xiaomeng
Chapter 41: Four emperors
Chapter 42: Exotic Youth
Chapter 43: All geniuses
Chapter 44: Centennial chalcedony
Chapter 45: Start of assessment
Chapter 46: Name of Yubi
Chapter 47: Xiao Ye's ranking
Chapter 48: Second pass
Chapter 49: Genius showdown
Chapter 50: Half step congenital

Novel Introduction

The real spirit continent, the world is proud of the world, the evil spirits fight for the edge, the king’s long roar can fall into the stars, and the emperor’s hand can cover the sky.Xiao Ye, a humble young man, was inherited from ancient times. Since then, Wuji has been pushing the enemies horizontally, breaking through the Nine Wastes, and the bloody battle burning the Nine Heavens.Invincible battlefield, genius blood like sea, demon bones into mountains, Xiao Ye step by step, reaching the summit, hitting all the way to no one in the world dare to respect.My martial arts, Dang Ning is unyielding, killing and decisive, happy enmity, kill all enemies in the world

Latest chapter Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6462: end of the journey
Chapter 6461: group of people
Chapter 6460: retrograde kill
Chapter 6459: hit the road
Chapter 6458: The mighty power of time

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