It's Hard to be a Good Wife audio latest full

It's Hard to be a Good Wife

Cang Ming
260 chapters
8 days ago
As an experienced surgeon, Tang Yue went to the living room and worked in the kitchen.As soon as he teleported, his job was gone, his house was gone, his money was gone, even his boyfriend who had just caught up with him was also gone.Fortunately, he was a decathlon, so he was able to win his grandm

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C21 Fine Then What Can You Do to Me?
C22 My Life Is over
C23 Could It be That This Is the Main Protagonist's Halo?
C24 Can You Please Say Goodbye to the Fish in the Pond?
C25 Madam Please Don't Meddle in Other People's Business
C26 Wasteful Son
C27 They Had to Return the Favor by Kneeling down and Licking Her!
C28 Can I Give Them a Reward?
C29 Could It be That Wang Zihao Is also Someone from the Same World?
C30 Why Can't You Pick up the Right One?
C31 You're Teasing Me?
C32 Top Rich Handsome
C33 His Mouth Was so Long No Wonder He Couldn't Catch up with the Goddess
C34 This Brat must Have a Stone's Guts Right?
C35 This Iq Is Really Worrisome
C36 If There Is No Problem Sign the Bill
C37 Do Your Parents Know How Unreliable You Are?
C38 This Boy Can't Have Been Stupid Right?
C39 Do You Think That It Is a Miracle Medicine?
C40 I'm Under a Lot of Pressure Okay?
C41 What I Want Is Freedom!
C42 This Is Working with Your Life!
C43 I Didn't Expect Tang Xiaoluo to Adore Me so Much
C44 The Thought of the Ancients be Really Hard to Understand
C45 Evil Rich Man!
C46 This Student of Mine Is Not Bad Right
C47 Great Sir to Think That I Was Fooled by an Ancient Person
C48 Don't be too Narcissistic!
C49 F Ck 'can't You Play a Little Bit More?
C50 A Kind of Self-indulgent Embarrassment

Novel Introduction

As an experienced surgeon, Tang Yue went to the living room and worked in the kitchen.As soon as he teleported, his job was gone, his house was gone, his money was gone, even his boyfriend who had just caught up with him was also gone.Fortunately, he was a decathlon, so he was able to win his grandmother's heart. He was able to arouse his father's love, wake his stepmother's heart, and deal with this little girl was a piece of cake.Wait a minute, what's going on with this man? It was impossible for patients and doctors to have true love!"You are so virtuous that This King wishes to take you as his wife.""Hire?" "Alright then, since you can't take advantage of the money, you can't have a concubine at home, you can't go to bed without washing your feet, you can't kiss without brushing your teeth, and if you want to have special services, you have to hand over all your property first. What do you say?""Good!"

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