Astrid - The Hybrid Princess audio latest full

Astrid - The Hybrid Princess

363 chapters
1 month ago
In a realm of magic... Fairies, mer people, elves, sorcerers and humans.A marriage alliance between the fairies and the sorcerers, a child having both power.Years later... An unexpected faith.A non human girl, a hybrid, born to a fairy queen and a mer prince.She, the most powerful creature in the re

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1 The Lost Kingdom
2 Awaken
3 What are you?
4 They know
5 Not Her 1
6 Not Her 2
7 Not Her 3
8 Not Her 4
9 The Hybrid Princess
10 Separated 1
11 Separated 2
12 Separated 3
13 You're in the Wrong Territory
14 May I know who you are?
15 You're an Elf 1
16 You are an Elf 2
17 You're Toxic
18 Where's your sense of fun?
19 The White Tiger-Pheonix Beast 1
20 The White Tiger-Pheonix Beast 2
21 The Little White Tiger-Pheonix Beast 1
22 The Little White Tiger-Pheonix Beast 2
23 My Revenge a Hundred Fold
24 Author's Check up.
25 Barrier
26 Messenger Hawk
27 The Message
28 We have a sorceress in our mids
29 Another Writing
30 The Advice
31 Journey to the Forest Peak 1
32 Journey to the Forest Peak 2
33 Journey to the Forest Peak 3
34 Ambushed 1
35 Ambushed 2
36 Ambushed 3
37 Ambushed 4 : Figh
38 Fight 1
39 Fight 2 : Explode
40 Definitely Her 1
41 Definitely Her 2
42 Definitely Her 3
43 Definitely Her 4
44 Definitely Her 5
45 Definitely Her 6
46 Definitely Her 7
47 Definitely Her 8
48 Definitely Her 8
48 Definitely Her 9
49 You're Awake!

Novel Introduction

In a realm of magic... Fairies, mer people, elves, sorcerers and humans.A marriage alliance between the fairies and the sorcerers, a child having both power.Years later... An unexpected faith.A non human girl, a hybrid, born to a fairy queen and a mer prince.She, the most powerful creature in the realm, but lost to all, yet seeked by many, wanting her for the power which she possess...

Latest chapter Astrid - The Hybrid Princess

351 Eavesdropping
350 Caugh
349 Finally Found You
348 Nerissa's Confrontation: Say The Truth
347 My Love 18+

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