Asking About Qinglian audio latest full

Asking About Qinglian

Fantastic Flying Fish
4 chapters
10 months ago
A family cannot accommodate legitimate waste materialsFang Zixuan, who was persecuted by his family's children, benefited from misfortuneObtain the Genesis Qinglian Great CreationSeeking the Way of Qinglian Sect and Watching Fang Zixuan Write a Twisted Path of Seeking ImmortalsPeople insult me, laug

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Chapter 1: Disgrace in Medication
Chapter 2: Yuqingzhi
Chapter 3: Revenge
Chapter 4: Searching for the Main Medicine

Novel Introduction

A family cannot accommodate legitimate waste materialsFang Zixuan, who was persecuted by his family's children, benefited from misfortuneObtain the Genesis Qinglian Great CreationSeeking the Way of Qinglian Sect and Watching Fang Zixuan Write a Twisted Path of Seeking ImmortalsPeople insult me, laugh at me, and bully me. Let's see how Fang Zixuan disguises himself as a pig, eats tigers, and kills themThis book has fewer emotional lines, but more about the persistence in seeking the Tao and asking for immortality. There are family ties, brotherly ties, sectarian ties, and teacher ties. Let's continue writing after watching exciting scenes

Latest chapter Asking About Qinglian

Chapter 4: Searching for the Main Medicine
Chapter 3: Revenge
Chapter 2: Yuqingzhi
Chapter 1: Disgrace in Medication

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