Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover audio latest full

Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

340 chapters
1 year ago
“We could be louder,” he whispered in a raspy voice. She shook with need and was about to turn when he clucked his tongue. “Ah, ah, ah, don't do that. I'll see you later, little girl.” And with that, he vanished.- - - -Cage was at the top of the world: the emperor of the film industry. But it is tru

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Chapter 1 - Shower Fantasy *
Chapter 2 - Under The Stars
Chapter 3 - Stopping The Goddess
Chapter 4 - Eat My Gold
Chapter 5 - Sexted A Kid
Chapter 6 - Compensate Me
Chapter 7 - Everyone Is Looking
Chapter 8 - 600 lbs
Chapter 9 - Dont Sulk
Chapter 10 - Whats Your Handle?
Chapter 11 - Pull Your Weight
Chapter 12 - Little Drunk Girl
Chapter 13 - Notice Me, Senpai
Chapter 14 - Nice Guy
Chapter 15 - Small Peened Lover
Chapter 16 - Warm And Fuzzy
Chapter 17 - Legal Loli
Chapter 18 - He Is Mine Now
Chapter 19 - Hentai Colloquialism
Chapter 20 - Corrupted Beyond Repair
Chapter 21 - Playing Me
Chapter 22 - S-Daddy
Chapter 23 - Helicopter On Speed Dial
Chapter 24 - Sex Hair
Chapter 25 - Fired Up
Chapter 26 - Juicy Details
Chapter 27 - Hot Date
Chapter 28 - Running Away
Chapter 29 - Bride Of God
Chapter 30 - Celibate
Chapter 31 - Practicing Yoga
Chapter 32 - Parking Lot *
Chapter 33 - Permission To Be Dirty
Chapter 34 - Hot, Fast, And Hard *
Chapter 35 - Whats Your Name? *
Chapter 36 - Relieve Myself *
Chapter 37 - Lecherous Teacher
Chapter 38 - Give Me More
Chapter 39 - Ravishing Miss Rinten *
Chapter 40 - Dreams of Exhibitionism *
Chapter 41 - Morally Ambiguous
Chapter 42 - Warning You
Chapter 43 - Escort Him Out
Chapter 44 - Groggy Replies
Chapter 45 - Five Hundred Percent
Chapter 46 - Play Around
Chapter 47 - Reignite Rumors
Chapter 48 - All Ears
Chapter 49 - I Want To Lick Them
Chapter 50 - Drip *

Novel Introduction

“We could be louder,” he whispered in a raspy voice. She shook with need and was about to turn when he clucked his tongue. “Ah, ah, ah, don't do that. I'll see you later, little girl.” And with that, he vanished.- - - -Cage was at the top of the world: the emperor of the film industry. But it is truly lonely at the top. Surrounded by staff members who want him to work to his bones and no one to lean on, Cage turns to gaming. In such dire times, he stumbles across a mysterious female gamer who leaves him speechless and aroused at the same time.Graphic designer and fangirl extraordinaire, Katherine, finds a gamer who outshines her. In this world there was someone like this? All she can do is acknowledge his brilliance. [Take my bow, Senpai. You have eaten my gold.] But why does this message sound so… provocative?A series of lecherous conversations turn into something deeper, until one day the two fall irrevocably in love with each other. “Hey, let’s fall in love...” Follow them as they traverse through life and the hardships that are thrown at them. Who knows, maybe us single dogs can learn a thing or two.- - - - -“My little loli likes to watch? What a naughty little girl.” She was embarrassed that she was caught and mortified by the voice of the man she recognized as ‘him’. What was he doing here? She started to turn around, but he grasped her shoulder so she couldn't move.“No, let's watch.” His breath was at her ear, fire lapping at her nerves, singeing and burning her insides, making a pleasant feeling erupt in her stomach. His arm snaked around her shoulder and grabbed her hand while his other hand slid down to her sides until it rested on her hip. He was not pressing himself into her, but she felt completely engulfed by him. She knew she should scream, or stomp on his foot, but all she could do was listen to his breathing escalate as his thumb rubbed her shoulder, putting her in a stupor.She thought she heard him sniff her hair and his lips lightly grazed her ears as he whispered. “Don't miss the show because of me, little girl.”Her eyes flickered back to the couple in the car, and she let out a whimper as she saw the man pull at the woman's hair, baring her beck to him, inviting his mouth to lick and suck. She felt ‘him’ close the gap between them, his hard body pressed up against hers, his arms tightly holding her. There was no mistaking what she felt on her lower back and she closed her eyes in delight.

Latest chapter Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

Chapter 340: Epilogue (II)
Chapter 339 - Epilogue (Part I)
Chapter 338 - Side Story: Angelina and Stephen
Chapter 337 - Ganging Up On Him
Chapter 336 - Lets Get Married

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