A sweet Love story between Anna and Mark...Ria is Mark's younger sister and Anna's best friend...Anna and Mark get closer while solving the suicide mystery of Ria’s death...Later, Mark finds out the truth behind Ria’s death…And he gets his revenge through Anna by making her his Slave...But Anna, wit
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2 Meeting Mr. Mark
Chapter 601 - Behind The Curtain...
3 My dear Anna ??
Chapter 602 - Am I Nothing To Her?
4 Rage on John
Chapter 603 - I Don't Want To Eat...
5 Mom.. Miss you..
Chapter 604 - Do You Want To Say Anything To Me?
6 Saving my Life
7 Mr. Mark
8 Where am I..
9 Remove your under garments..
10 Perfect Mole on Perfect Place..
11 Its o.k. You Will Be Safe..
12 Anna's Mother
13 I want to suck your ?...
14 Mark is substitute for lizard..
15 You like to hug me with out Bra?
16 Did you HURT?
17 Does she is my Submissive?
18 Did you fall for her?
19 You will be safe with me
20 "Tell me if you find any Bruise"
21 Fantasy about Anna
22 She is meeting someone in secre
23 Do you like french kiss? Then give me one French Kiss..
24 Don't call me uncle.. call me Mark..
25 It was soft as a Jelly
26 First Kiss
27 Magic spell of sex Desires
28 First Ride
29 Peck on my fingers
30 Big.. Big.. Teddy
31 Sleeping beauty...
32 Remove your dress right now..
33 Glass room
34 Que Card
35 She teases me to Death..
36 Will you Dance with me?
37 We can use Butter scotch flavour..
38 Gang bang
39 Did you Like Mark?
40 I never leave you Alone
41 I Love You Anna
42 Movie Plan
43 I will make him Happy
44 Change in flavour gives pleasure
45 I will take risks for sex?
46 Truth Revealed
47 Will you Marry my Brother
Novel Introduction
A sweet Love story between Anna and Mark...Ria is Mark's younger sister and Anna's best friend...Anna and Mark get closer while solving the suicide mystery of Ria’s death...Later, Mark finds out the truth behind Ria’s death…And he gets his revenge through Anna by making her his Slave...But Anna, with her "love blossom" turned the devilish Mark into her Lover boy...Why did...